At Rana Analytics, we believe that every organization should have the capability to equip their people with the right tools to optimize and accelerate information processing and gather insights from data to create value.  By becoming OneStream implementation partners, we have positioned ourselves to leverage the depth of our collective professional experience in Corporate Finance to alleviate the unnecessary pain points engendered by outdated systems and inefficient processes.  We are committed to delivering tailored solutions for our clients that honor the uniqueness of their individual strategies, their markets, and their cultures.

Join us at one of our upcoming events to learn more about how Rana and OneStream can help your organization optimize your people, processes, and technology.

Upcoming Events

  • Webinar: First Bank

    3.29 2:00ET/1:00CT

    Join Rana Analytics and FirstBank as they discuss how a true CPM platform with an experienced and proven implementation partner can have a far-reaching impact on your business


    4.17 - 4.20

    At Splash, discover the latest on conquering complexity with OneStream’s Intelligent Finance platform – connecting what inspires you to the roadmap you need to Lead @ Speed.

  • Building the Plane on the Runway

    4.19 11:30 ET

    A Meriplex Transformation Story. How Rana Analytics implemented OneStream in the middle of massive operational change for Meriplex.